Rhinoplasty FAQ

Risks & Complications

15/02/2010 09:08
What are the risks? What are the complications associated with the Rhinoplasty surgery? These issues and more... Bleeding, Infection, nasal obstruction, undesired result. Speak to your rhinoplasty surgeon specifically about these complications.

Revision Rhinoplasty

15/02/2010 09:07
Have you already had rhinoplasty surgery? Maybe you're not happy. If so, learn more about revision procedures for fixing problems. Revision rhinoplasty is surgery that is meant to repair prior rhinoplasty surgery results. If done properly, it is possible to take results that were less than...

Post Surgery & Results

15/02/2010 09:00
What happens after surgery? What is the recovery time. What will you look like? Recovery after Rhinoplasty Most people are amazed by how little pain there is after nasal surgery. The most uncomfortable part of the recovery is the inability to breathe through the nose for several days due to...

Preparing for Rhinoiplasty Surgery

15/02/2010 09:00
What to do. What not to do. How best to prepare yourself for rhinoplasty surgery. The Consultation Are you a Certified Plastic Surgeon? How many rhinoplasties do you do a year? Will you make any incisions on the outside of my nose? Do you pack my nose and for how long? When is the cast...

Cost of Rhinoplasty

15/02/2010 08:59
How much does the procedure cost? Is it different at a clinic vs. a hospital? These issues and more related to procedure cost. Depending on the reasons for having rhinoplasty, it can be covered by insurance. If the reason is purely cosmetic, then it is not.

Alternatives to Rhinoplasty

15/02/2010 08:58
Are there any alternatives? What are they? Find out more... For cosmetic purposes, no. For purposes of improved breathing, you can try strips to open airways; however, they are not a permanent solutions and often fall short of expectations

Best Candidates

15/02/2010 08:58
Is rhinoplasty right for you? Physically, mentally, and emotionally, there are considerations... Anyone who is dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose and has realistic expectations for an improvement can have a rhinoplasty procedure, more commonly called a nose job. However, this is...

About the Procedures

15/02/2010 08:57
There are different types of procedures, all of which fall under the umbrella of rhinoplasty. Find out more about each... The Surgery Cosmetic or functional surgery of the nose usually takes two to three hours and may be done either with you asleep under general anesthesia or awake under sedation....

Age-Related Issues

15/02/2010 08:57
Too old for rhinoplasty? How about too young? Children, teenagers, and the elderly each have their own special considerations. The Elderly Assuming the patient is in good health and has realistic expectations, there is no age that is too old for a rhinoplasty. Nevertheless, most rhinoplasties are...

About Rhinoplasty

15/02/2010 08:55
What is rhinoplasty? Who is it for? What is it meant to do? Your nose ...is it too large, too small, too flat, too pointed? Is it crooked? Do you have trouble breathing from one or both sides of your nose? If so, you are in good company. Many people feel their nose detracts from their whole face,...