Facelift FAQ

How much pain is there after a facelift

15/02/2010 08:53
Typically patients do not feel much pain following surgery. If anything, they tend to describe a mild discomfort, mainly in the back part of the neck, which usually clears up within a day. Pain or discomfort can also be relieved with oral medication.

Does your head get shaved

15/02/2010 08:53
No. In fact, many patients undergoing surgery choose to grow their hair out beforehand in order to better hide scars and stitches during the healing period.

I'm not sure whether I need a facelift or laser resurfacing

15/02/2010 08:52
A facelift will lift sagging skin and muscle while removing excess fat. Laser surfacing will correct fine wrinkles or lines on the skin's surface but it will not tighten skin or correct sagging of the neck. Some patients may require both.

Is there anything a facelift won't work on

15/02/2010 08:52
Traditional facelift surgery will correct the lower portion of the face including the cheeks, jowls, and the neck. Unless a brow lift is performed, it will not improve the upper portion of the face, such as the position of the eyebrows, wrinkling between the eyebrows, or excess skin of the upper or...

Is there some way to hide scarring and bruising after a facelift

15/02/2010 08:51
There are post-operative camouflage techniques which you can discuss with your surgeon. These can include special camouflage cosmetics for both men and women which will help to disguise any bruising and scarring as it heals, along with lines and discoloration.

What is SMAS

15/02/2010 08:50
SMAS is an abbreviation for the Submuscular Aponeurotic System. The SMAS is a layer of tissue which covers the deeper structures of the cheek area and is linked to the superficial muscle covering the lower face and neck, called the platysma. Some techniques for facelift surgery lift and reposition...

How permanent is a facelift

15/02/2010 08:49
The procedure is meant to improve your present appearance. It will not stop the aging process, but it will 'set back the clock'. Many patients find that the effects last for a good 5 to 10 years later, and some opt to undergo a repeat facelift around that time. There are several things that you can...

Preparing for Surgery

15/02/2010 08:48
What to do. What not to do. How best to prepare yourself for FaceLift surgery. Prior to your facelift, your surgeon will assess your medical history to check for conditions that may interfere with the surgery or the healing process after the facelift. Some of the common conditions that raise a flag...

Risks & Complications

15/02/2010 08:48
What are the risks? What are the complications associated with the surgery? Some of the potential complications that may be discussed with you include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin that may require removal), infection and reactions to anesthesia. While plastic surgeons are...

Post Surgery & Results

15/02/2010 08:46
What happens after surgery? What is the recovery time. What will you look like? Recovery after FaceLift Most people are amazed by how little pain there is after nasal surgery. The most uncomfortable part of the recovery is the inability to breathe through the nose for several days due to swelling....
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