Top Reasons Why to Choose Dr. Khoury 

Why Choose Dr. Antoine Al-Khoury?

Dr. Khoury assures natural results, focuses on youthful harmonious results while avoiding changes to a patients "essential" features.

  1. Personally evaluate you and determine what the best treatment is, or combination of treatments.

  2. Perform a comprehensive medical history.   While plastic surgery is commonplace, it still falls in the realm of medicine.  Dr. Khoury will take every precaution to assure safe anesthesia  and proper treatment recommendations.

  3. Create a unified vision. Dr. Khoury and you will have the same vision of the intended end result. This assures that your expectations will be met and you will also achieve a natural result

  4. Reveal all consequences, complications, risks, benefits and advantages of the treatments.

  5. Use only certified anesthesiologists.

  6. Display his european board certificates. 

  7. Allow, with your permission, other doctors who want to learn Dr. Khoury techniques, to observe his surgery.

  8. Dr. Khoury has "privileges" at well known accredited hospitals to perform cosmetic surgeries. 50% of cosmetic procedures are not performed in a hospital. Nevertheless, when a doctor has privileges to perform surgery at an accredited hospital, it is a good indication that the doctor is qualified and has the necessary training to be accepted by that hospital. 

  9. Dr. Khoury has been performing plastic surgery since very long.

  10. Although Dr. Khoury has earned different surgery specialisations besides the plastic surgery certificate, plastic surgery is a major portion of his practice.

  11. Dr. Khoury has before and after photos for you to review of previous patients.